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Signs You Need a Knee Replacement

Signs You Need a Knee Replacement

Your knees are a vital part to your everyday life — so when you have pain, it can make things difficult. Conditions like osteoarthritis wear your joint down so much that the damage is irreversible. When your pain is severe and your joint is worn down, you may need to consider a knee replacement.

Our team at Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin are here to help you determine not only what’s causing your joint pain, but what treatment is best for you as well. Leading our team is Dr. Mitchell Klement, our orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee replacements when you don’t have any other options.

What causes knee pain?

Pain in your knee can be caused by a number of different problems and conditions. Because your knee joint takes on a lot of your weight, it’s prone to not only degenerative conditions, but injuries as well.

Playing high impact sports is a large risk factor for knee injuries. However, falls and trauma can also lead to severe knee injuries. There are other problems that can lead to pain in your knees as well, some of which include:

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of knee pain. There are many different types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most well-known forms. These conditions lead to destruction of the protective tissues that help line the joints in your body.

While there are conservative measures available for different types of knee pain, they don’t always work when your condition is severe. In this case, Dr. Klement may discuss a knee replacement to help you regain control of your life.

Do you need a knee replacement?

While knee pain doesn’t always signal a bigger problem, if your pain doesn’t get better with rest or treatment, it could be a sign you’re in need of a knee replacement.

Your arthritis is severe

Arthritis causes damage to your joint, and is usually irreversible. However, when your arthritis is severe, it can lead to difficulty walking or getting around in general. This can significantly impact the quality of your life.

Conservative treatments aren’t effective

If you’ve tried pain medications, physical therapy, or joint injections and haven’t had significant relief, surgery may be the next step. Conservative treatments are usually the first line of defense, but when they fail to get your pain under control, a knee replacement is the next step.

Your pain prevents you from doing activities

If you’re struggling to get dressed or even get out of the house due to your knee pain, it’s time to consider a knee replacement. Not only does a knee replacement help ease your pain, it also allows you to get back to the normal activities that you love.

Your knee is constantly swollen or deformed

Extreme swelling or deformity in your knee causes problems not only with pain, but your mobility as well. You may have to resort to using a cane or walker in order to get around. If this sounds like you, a total or partial knee replacement can help significantly.

Sleeping is impossible due to the pain

Pain that’s constant, even when you’re sitting down or trying to sleep, can really disrupt your life. If your pain is severe enough that it’s keeping you up at night, a knee replacement can significantly help improve your quality of life.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, it’s important to see Dr. Klement for an evaluation. Although a knee replacement may seem daunting, it can actually decrease your pain significantly and give you back your mobility.

Don’t continue to suffer from uncomfortable knee pain. Call our office today at 262-223-3040 to schedule a consultation, or you can book an appointment online today to get help from Dr. Klement. 

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